制作Flash电子相册 Amazing Flash Gallery Maker 3.3.0

创建令人印象深刻的幻灯片,保存记忆 最好的照片和视频的幻灯片软件,你所需要的。您的照片和视频记录由摄像机可以讲一个故事,你可以使用这个Flash幻灯片制作你亲自设计和创建共享。该软件专门创建的幻灯片具有不同格式的照片和图片如JPEG,PNG,BMP,GIF等完全充满。 它必须是理想的幻灯片制作工具,当你有创建幻灯片需要等时,显示从最新的家庭度假,婚礼,纪念贡品,演示文稿,幻灯片模块,日常工作图像的要求。它分享了照片和视频编辑功能,允许用户tocrop,旋转,缩放,调整照片的亮度和对比度等。 Create impressive slideshows, save memories The best photo & video slideshow software all you need. You photos and videos recorded by camcorders may tell a story and you can share it using this Flash slideshow maker that you personally design and create. This software specializes in creating slides filled entirely with different formats of photos and pictures like JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF.It must be the ideal Slideshow Maker when you have the requirement of creating slideshows to display images from latest family vacation, weddings, memorial tributes, presentations, slideshow module, daily works when needed and so on. It provides photo & video editing capabilities allowing users tocrop, rotate, zoom, adjust the brightness and contrast of your photos, etc. 编辑和增强个性化设置媒体文件 Amazing Slideshow Maker 工具是一个简单的程序,已经足够一个初学者,但一个熟练的用户肯定会喜欢它,它全面的功能。分享了幻灯片制作的所有必要的组件。这是一个非常时尚的相册创建工具,它为用户分享了风格的巨大数量和他们每个人都有自己的主题,转场,音乐,特效。用户会发现不同的格式输出(适用于iPhone,iPad和其他智能设备),并找到一种方式来与朋友和家人分享自己的杰作。 Edit and Enhance to Personalize Media Files Amazing Slideshow Maker is a simple program, quite sufficient for a beginner, but a proficient user will sure love it for its comprehensive functionality. All the necessary components of Slideshow Maker are provided. It is a very stylish photo album creator, which offers the user an enormous amount of styles and each of them has its own theme, transitions, music, effects. Users will discover different formats for the output (for iPhone, iPad and other i-devices) and find a way to share their masterpiece with friends and family. 一个必须拥有的照片和视频的创造者 Amazing Slideshow Maker 工具是用于快速演示一个快速的程序,如果知识兔你是时间紧迫这将是非常方便的,或使一个企业或学校presentation.This的创造者是在婚礼场合,生日的制作令人难忘的,活动的幻灯片个不错的选择,父亲天。这是一个非常美好的应用具有非凡的和真正的贴近生活的风格。并且知识兔可以使SWF/ HTML,屏幕保护程序,HTML5视频,视频文件,甚至使可执行文件的密码,知识兔以保护您的隐私。 A must Have Photo & Video Creator Amazing Slideshow Maker is a fast program for rapid presentations, and it will be really handy if you are pressed for time or make a business or school presentation.This creator is a good choice for the making memorable-events slideshows on occasions of weddings, birthdays, father days. It is a really wonderful application with extraordinary and true-to-life styles. And you can make SWF/HTML, Screen saver, HTML5 video, video files and even make executable with password to protect your privacy. 令人惊叹的照片转场和特效 选择从大范围的转变;平移和缩放效果添加额外的维度;淡入淡出的过渡让你的幻灯片一家专业从事触摸;实时预览的影响;自定义效果的持续时间 完整的照片优化。微调亮度,色彩和饱和度;裁剪,旋转,轻松地翻转照片;添加文字说明,知识兔以个别幻灯片;添加视频剪辑为一个完整的幻灯片演示;实时预览您的更改 优化您的数码照片和视频。添加背景音乐到你的幻灯片。 Stunning Photo Transitions and Effects Choose from a wide range of transitions; Panning and zoom effects add extra dimension; Fade transitions give your slideshow a professional touch; Preview the effects in real time; Customize the duration of the effectComplete Photo Optimization. Fine tune brightness, color and saturation; crop, rotate and flip photos easily; add text captions to individual slides; add video clips for a complete slideshow presentation; Preview your changes in real timeOptimize your digital photos and videos.Add background music to your slideshow.注册码:用户名:大眼仔~旭(Anan)序列号:G83AVW0A3WY3002V7XX0X0819用户名:大眼仔~旭(Anan)序列号:S01131VW093UY60693U659X80





