Altair HWDesktop 2022破解版|Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2022.2.0补丁激活教程

Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2022破解版是功能强大的建模可视化仿真解决方案,能够分享各种建模,仿真,可视化和优化工具来应对面临的各种挑战!轻松仿真以及预测评估大型的设备,分享最全面的开放式体系结构CE建模工具和功能。实现最快最好的建模和可视化,显着的视觉增强功能还有助于创建更易于使用的界面。在HyperMesh中,扩展了创建声学问题网格的可能性;壳体和梁模型的三维可视化的可能性已经出现。HyperWorks现在还包括新的协作工具,这些工具分享了在组织外部工作的能力。这些更新与HyperWorks应用程序紧密集成在一起,在不离开熟悉的HyperWorks环境的情况下,分享了管理个人和共享数据及流程的直观体验。最新破解版下载,含破解补丁文件,欢迎有需要的朋友来知识兔下载体验!
Altair HWDesktop 2022破解版|Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2022.2.0补丁激活教程


Altair, a global leader in computational science and artificial intelligence (AI), announced the launch of Altair Simulation 2022. This release focuses on letting you work faster than ever before through new workflows and numerous performance enhancements. What's new in Altair HyperWorks Desktop & Solvers 2022.0 Note: For all new features and enhancements, refer to the manual .pdf files available from the Help menu in each module or from the Manuals folder on your hard drive and also this. Altair HyperWorks 2021.2.1 Release Notes
Log4j Update (for Windows only)
The HWDesktop 2021.2.1 hotfix contains the upgraded log4j file from 2.0 to 2.17.1 in which the CVE-2021-44228 exploit is resolved.
Altair recommends that you remove the two files: log4j-core-2.0.jar and log4j-api-2.0.jar from the following two locations in your Windows installation:
– C:\Program Files\Altair\2021.2\hwdesktop\pad\exec\thirdparty\lib
– C:\Program Files\Altair\2021.2\hwdesktop\pad\exec\apps\DesktopHelper\binaries\DesktopHelper\WEB-INF\lib
Resolved Issue
For HyperWorks products except for HyperMold and HyperWeld, Open/Import/Drag & Drop of solver files will no longer automatically switch the reader based on the file type or filter chosen when selecting the file. The reader default will always be based on your current solver profile.

Altair HyperMesh 2021.2.1 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
– Connector seam realization crash observed with end offset.
– Attachments losing links when the component numbering changed. The part reference is now retained.
– Attachment REM not resolving when referenced by existing connectors.


A new export option is added for HyperMesh component comments that will preserve the integrity of solver deck with our previous releases. This option is added for Nastran and OptiStruct solver profiles.

Altair HWDesktop 2022破解版|Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2022.2.0补丁激活教程
Resolved Issues
– Application crashes when using the scrollbar in a browser while running remotely on Linux
– An occasional crash seen when switching between contexts in a Sketcher workflow.
– A crash seen on shutdown when entity view browser is open.
– Authentication issue when using Hosted Altair Units (HAU).


Resolved Issue
Fixed segmentation error from usage of API *multi_surfs_lines_merge.

CAD and Solver Interfaces

Abaqus Interface

Resolved Issues
– An issue with export displayed would not export elementAltair HWDesktop 2022破解版|Altair HWDesktop + Solvers 2022.2.0补丁激活教程de sets has been fixed.
– Gasket element contact surfaces that were not writing out appropriate face information upon export has been fixed.

CAD Interface

Resolved Issue
Fixed CAD import crash for IGES files exported from CADMATIC containing plane entities.
Known Issue
STL file import fails via geometry import method. Import the STL file via import solver deck by setting the Reader option to STL.

Altair HyperView 2021.2.1 Release Notes


Resolved Issues
– A misleading error “request file is missing or invalid” appears while loading the Adams XML RES file. This error is reported from the Standard Math template (not applicable for Adams results). The math template is set to “None” for Adams result files.
– Authentication issue when using Hosted Altair Units (HAU).

Solver Interfaces

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

Resolved Issue
Fixed HyperView crash issue while reading input model with missing elements in the element range set that are referred in the transformations.

Altair MotionView 2021.2.1 Release Notes

Resolved Issues
– Control State Equation entity for ADAMS solver mode (GSE) is missing INTERFACE option in 2021. This issue has been fixed.
– Authentication issue when using Hosted Altair Units (HAU).

NVH Director 2021.2.1 Release Notes

Loads MSA
– Support external randomized imbalance force matrix in CSV file format.
– Calculate overall response using magnitude summation approach.
NVH Preferences
– Specify preferences for post-processing utilities.
– Standard Loadcase preferences have an additional application type for Wheel Imbalance to specify the unit type for tire uniformity imbalance forces.
– Standard Loadcases preferences, application type Road Loads, phasing in x direction for enforced displacements.
Analysis Manager
– Visualize connections with multiple states.
User Action Required

Important: To avoid a potential application error while invoking NVH Director, delete the
hwnvhpreferences.xml file from the Documents folder.

The location of this file was changed from the Documents folder to the user Home directory, but the file needs to be removed from the Documents folder to avoid a potential error.

HyperWorks CFD 2021.2.1 Release Notes

Resolved Issues
– Volume mesher creates negative jacobian elements.
– Remeshing after wrapping was creating skewed elements.


Altair HyperWorks为工程师分享了仿真工具,可用于设计在极大的环境下运行的大型设备。拯救无法测试整个样机,知识兔使用仿真来进行预测和评估、分析,深入研究,通过优化来改进额定载荷重量,设计耐用产品来满足疲劳寿命要求,改善噪声/振动性能和驱动性能,还是改善偏转和冲击能量管理,HyperWorks都可以分享一整套完成备的集成仿真工具来迎接挑战!





