Listary Pro 6 专业版破解版|Listary Pro 中文版 文件浏览增强工具

Listary Pro 中文版从标准列表控件搜索辅助工具的最初定位到目前成为文件浏览增强工具,是一个受用户驱动而转型的过程。作者在使用 Windows 标准列表控件所分享的简单搜索????通过输入开头几个字母快速定位一个条目的功能时,因”无法看到自己已输入的内容”、”输入错误后无法修改”同时”必须快速输入,否则会清除需重新开始”等感到诸多不便,于是开发了 Listary Pro 的最初版本????一个列表搜索辅助工具。不管什么程序只要是采用了 Windows 标准的列表控件,都可以用 Listary Pro 搜索定位(例如任务管理器的任务列表、注册表编辑器右侧的键值列表)。
Listary Pro 6 专业版破解版|Listary Pro 中文版 文件浏览增强工具
Listary Pro 专业版在免费版基础上增加以下功能并分享多项服务:项目管理:将频繁访问的文件夹添加到项目(即设置访问关键字)后,可在任何位置通过该关键字搜索该文件夹及其子文件夹中的所有内容。这样排除了未使用关键字限定文件夹进行搜索时得到的许多无关结果。
模糊导航:无需记得文件名中空格位置、甚至不输入空格或仅输入文件名的几个残缺部分,如搜索”photoshop”时输入”ptshp”;或在”My Listary”及其子文件夹中搜索”readme”文件时输入”Listaryreadme”。
Listary Pro 软件特色
极速体验:媲美 Everything 的速度,索引和搜索过程执行非常快速(几乎无法察觉)、占用资源低,同时能实时更新搜索结果。
无缝集成:Listary 与系统各方面及相关程序融合为一体,它默默出现在需要打开/保存文件、打开/切换目录或过滤列表等环境中,主要指文件(夹)打开/保存对话框(支持标准及常见的非标准对话框)和 ListView 控件,具体包括标准的打开/保存文件对话框、打开文件夹对话框、资源管理器、任务管理器、桌面及后面众多的常用程序:WinRAR7-zip、FileZilla、Total Commander、XYplorer、xplorer2、Directory Opus、Free Commander XE等,这样可以方便的为这些程序定位所需文件、切换目录或执行其他相关命令。


New: Press Ctrl twice to show/hide Listary.New: Completely redesign Launch Apps.New: Theme support! 17 beautiful themes and a theme editor included. Check Options – Appearance.New: Send to. You can now send a search result using Windows “Send to” menu or send it to any folder via search. Default hotkey Alt+S.New: Custom Actions. Check Listary Options – Actions.New: Use a hotkey to execute an action directly.New: Search web and open websites. Check Options – Keywords – Web.New: Redesign UI.New: Press Ctrl+Enter to open parent folder of a search result directly.New: New action to set keyword for a search result directly.New: Set keywords for folders. Use keywords to open your mostly used folders easily.New: Redesign “App Settings” tab in Options.New: Drag the left border of the toolbar to change its location (launcher mode only).New: Open with. Default hotkey Alt+O.New: Search results hotkeys (next item, previous item, actions) are configurable in Options – Hotkeys.New: New command mkdir folder_name to create a new folder.New: Add a default keyword opt to open Listary Options.New: Batch add websites, folders and custom commands in Options – Keywords.New: Support apps running as administrator even if Listary is started normally.New: Add many useful system commands. Check Options – Keywords – Custom.New: “Open Folder” now automatically selects the search result file.New: Only search specific extensions for Launch Apps.New: Support launching Windows Store Apps on Windows 8/10.New: Support {query} in paths.New: Add more tips.New: Support mouse scroll on Windows 10 without changing system setting.New: Add environment variable support for folder paths.New: Add environment variable support for custom commands.New: Add XYplorer Free support.New: Add SpeedCommander support.New: Add One Commander support.New: Update tutorial for Listary 5.New: Show tips of available variables for action and custom command parameters.New: Add default file manager templates.Improved: Lots of performance improvements.Improved: Search results sorting.Improved: Directory Opus compatibility.Improved: Search results are updated with a much less delay.ListaryPortable 4 PYG.rar





