Polyglot下载-Polyglot 3000(语言识别器) V3.64多国语言班下载
lyglot 3000 这是一款可以探测使用文本,不管是短语还是一个单词的语言的自动化语言识别器软件。 程序的功能覆盖400种语言,可采用统一的字符编码标准和美国国家标准化组织编码标准输入文本文件,知识兔输入有用的文本文件(Unicode和ANSI编码)。有需要使用知识兔这款语言识别器的用户快通过下面地址来获取吧!
Polyglot 3000
Welcome to the Polyglot 3000Setup Wizard
This will install Polyglot 3000 (Version 3.73) on your computer,It is recommended that you close all other applications beforecontinuing.
Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup.
3、Select Destination Location
where should Polyglot 3000 be installed?
Setup will install Polyglot 3000 into the following folder.
To continue, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder , click Browse.
4、Select Start Menu Folder
Where should Setup place the program's shortcuts?
Setup will create the program's shortcuts in the following Start Menu folder.
To continue, click Next.If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.
以上便是WinWin7给大家分享介绍的Polyglot 3000!