GIF动画录制工具 GifCam v6.5 汉化版单文件
GifCam – 免费小巧简单实用的GIF录制工具,无需安装绿色单执行文件。GifCam是一款集录制与编辑为一体的GIF动画录制及编辑工具,知识兔支持保存为AVI视频格式,录制后的GIF图像可以逐帧绘制编辑,录制过程可以移动并调整窗口大小及位置记录自定义区域,录制范围内无变化则不增加新帧而只增加延时帧,有效减小图像体积,可手动录制单帧,编辑状态可以查看每一帧,要编辑的帧下可以删除帧/添加或删除帧延迟。
2020.11.26 v6.5
* Draw Selection: a new feature for selection, draw a selection box around your desired area then GifCam will fit inside your selection box , you can hold Shift Key to start recording immediately.
* Keyboard Shortcut: finally!
* Improving “Export To Avi” play time by adding extra frames to let the constant avi fps macth with variable gif frames delays, also adding progress bar for avi encoding.